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Center for General Education in Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages

 Teaching objectives of Social Laws and Policies



EducationalEducational Objectives of the Center Objectives of the Center

To guide students to develop the ability of autonomous learning, solidify their foundation in liberal arts, expand their horizons, establish a harmonious relationship with the world and further realize their potential and become motivated in regard to public service.

Teaching objectives of general liberal arts of the Centereral liberal arts of the Center

The curriculum design aims to cultivate Wenzao students into "healthy, studious, and warmhearted people."

Teaching objectives of the advanced general education of the Centerthe advanced general education of the Center

The curriculum design aims to guide students to cross-border, extend, expand and apply what they learn to their life, and to motivate them to participate in society.

Course objectivesctives

With the combination of the school motto "Respect for Nature and Love for Mankind" and courses on social policies and laws, the curriculum aims to cultivate students into modern civilians with humanistic and social care tendencies in the hope of realizing the goal of "holistic education". Extending the concept of holistic education, the curriculum also aims to cultivate students into people with healthy personalities, broad vision, and the ability to integrate multi-cultural knowledge. It is hoped that, through courses on social laws and policies, students will learn about group ethics, raise their legal awareness and obligations as modern citizens, and further become people who respect the different life development processes as global citizens.

Course structureture

The main concern of the curriculum is "humanity" and the main practicum field is social sciences, particularly sociology, psychology, laws, and politics. The curriculum aims to guide students to explore themselves, families, interpersonal relationship, and countries. The curriculum can be divided into four parts.

1. Regulations of the law system and obligations and rights

2. Constitutionalism and democracy and the spirit of the rule of law

3.Social structure and the relationship between the group and the individual

4. Psychological phenomena and behavior exploration

Teaching objectives of general liberal artsal liberal arts

1. Equip students with the ability to respect and tolerate different races, genders, ages, social status, occupations, cultures, religions and further guide them to think globally

2. Equip students with the spirit of democracy and the rule of law, and guide them to know the rights and obligations of a citizen, and deepen their civic literacy. 

3.Develop students' ability to observe and analyze social development, understand social phenomena and equip them with the ability to solve problems, adapt to society, and care for society.

4.Train students to know the mental and physical features of an individual, processes of interpersonal relationships, the spirit of dedication, cooperation and service, and elevate their spirit of learning through serving

Teaching objectives of advanced general educationducation


1. Cross the subject boundaries of social sciences and integrate them with other subjects

2.Deepen the general liberal arts curriculum and explore advanced knowledge on important issues

3. Extend the general liberal arts curriculum and emphasize applications and practice in daily life